The platform where athletes and artists become champions.

Online resources and real-time community to help you use breathwork and fascia conditioning to transform physical and mental stress into strength.


The platform where athletes and artists become champions.

Online resources and real-time community to help you use breathwork and fascia conditioning to transform physical and mental stress into strength.

Trust yourself to perform, even under extreme pressure

Train your body to better support your nervous system

Transcend current levels of insight and creativity

Trust yourself to perform, even under extreme pressure

Train your body to better support your nervous system

Transcend current levels of insight and creativity



It's no secret that being a human can be hard—especially when you're up against chronic injuries, perpetual stress, or both. And few things are more frustrating than feeling stuck in what-is when you can almost taste what-could-be.

What if you had the resources you need to get... unstuck?

You already do, my friend. And becoming a Gamma-Seeker member will prove it to you.


Micro-learning. Macro-benefits.

Spend just 10-20 minutes a day in the membership for optimal brain, breath, and body potential.

Library of 100+ Videos

Learn how to fine-tune your brain, breath, and body to reach new levels of clarity, peace, and performance.

Personal Recommendations

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Tea-Time with Brooke

Submit your questions for live Q&A calls every Tuesday. (Calls are recorded for your convenience.)

Office Hours

Reserve one-on-one time with Brooke during regularly scheduled office hours.

Priority Support

Share videos of your breathwork or fascia conditioning to receive helpful feedback on your practices.

Community Connection

Engage with like-valued humans for insight, encouragement, and accountability along your journey.

Monthly Guest Presentations

Learn from other brain-body smarties: physicians, researchers, and more.

Insider Discounts

Enjoy exclusive discounts on Musical Breathwork courses and partner products.



Access new membership programs as research reveals fresh insights on the brain-breath-body connection.

Customer testimonials

We are proud of the people we help.



"I regularly roller skate in 3-hour sessions. Since starting fascia work, I’ve been able to ditch my knee brace, and I’ve felt tension subside in my shoulders and back. My recovery time is so fast!"



"I’ve had chronic neck pain and headaches for 8 years. After using Brooke’s fascia techniques for two weeks, I’ve had a big improvement. So very grateful!"



"Brooke gives in-depth explanations, and the fascia release is REAL 😮‍💨 … Her breathwork technique is awesome, too. I can feel in real-time how it can grow breath capacity and reshape the ribcage."



"When my doctor diagnosed me with plantar fasciitis, he suggested I take aspirin and learn to live with the pain. But one session of Brooke’s method have transformed my life, health, and happiness!"



"The mental and emotional benefits have been profound, significantly reducing my stress levels and improving my mental clarity."



Why "Gamma-Seeker"?

A Gamma-Seeker is anyone who's interested in showing up better for themselves, for the people around them, and for the whole world.

The name of the community is inspired by gamma brainwaves, the frequency that brings about insight, peak focus, and expanded consciousness.

Gamma is the home of "aha moments"—a place we could all stand to spend more time. By fine-tuning our brain, breath, and body, we can.

“No problem can be solved from the same level of

consciousness that created it.“

- Albert Einstein

What you'll learn.

Gamma-Seekers is the only membership program that uses breathwork and fascia conditioning to help people reach new levels of intuition, insight, and expanded consciousness.

Sample Topics included:

  • Brain Wave Breath Sequencing

  • Nose Breathing vs. Mouth Breathing

  • Detox Breathing

  • Breathwork and the Pelvic Floor

  • The Theta-Gamma Bridge

  • Fluctuating Consciousness

  • Properties of the Fascia

  • Toe Mobility

  • Sciatica and Lower Back Pain


Monthly Membership

$99 / monthly

Become a member for less than the cost of one massage.

Together is always better.

As much as we'd like it to, transformation rarely happens overnight and almost never happens in isolation. That's why most people don't bother to finish lengthy, do-it-yourself online courses.

As a Gamma-Seeker member, you can breathe easy, knowing you have the time, space, and mutual support you need to learn and practice new skills.

Brooke McPoyle

Founder of Musical Breathwork

I'm not a physician.

(But that's kind of the point.)

In the U.S., we've been trained to lean on our healthcare system for all things physical and mental wellbeing. That's not "bad." But neither is it complete.

While I didn't get my knowledge from med school, I earned it as a classically trained singer and recording musician, D1 golfer, natural health educator, and self-taught neuro-nerd. In short, I've done a sh*t-ton of neuroscience and physiology research and synthesized work from the the wisest minds in performance enhancement.

Living in the information age means we all have an opportunity—and responsibility—to share our insights and discoveries with one another. That's what I'm doing through Musical Breathwork.

I know you want to bring your best to whatever your venue is: a basketball court, a music hall, a boardroom, or your family's kitchen table. I would be so honored to support you.

Unleash your inner champion.




Say yes to yourself.

Invest in yourself—not only for your own benefit, but also for the benefit of others and our world.

Commit to a short daily practice.

Bite-sized teaching and efficient practices help you realize radical change in 10-20 minutes a day.

Be unstoppable.

Fine-tune your breath, body, and brain so you can do more of what you love—even better.

Common Questions

Find answers to your questions and discover how the powerful combination of breathwork and music can transform your well-being.

I don’t know why I’m here, but I feel like you have something to teach me. 

This reflection has turned up in my inbox so many times. You’re not alone! 

The forward facing part of my work is science and physiology. I help people expand their vocabulary to include the basics of neurology so they can deconstruct stress/anxiety/trauma. But the truth is, these are just gateway drugs to a deeper experiment I am conducting. 

I believe we are underachieving—that our brains are working suboptimally. Western meditation practices are trying to help us expand our capabilities, but there’s still something missing. There’s a gap.

It turns out that unanswered questions in the West have curious answers in the East. For example: Our ears are capable of perceiving almost 1,500 separate sounds, but in the West we listen to music that falls only within 7 ¼ octaves (that’s just 58 sounds). If you listen to eastern microtonal instruments, you’ll immediately recognize what we’re missing. As I’ve learned to play the saz (not fluently), guzcheng, and ehru (kind of) it’s been fascinating to relax into “new” sounds. This same “gap” exists in the brain, breath, and body connection. The equation I developed helped me better define this gap—and understand how to close it.

The connection, or pattern, among the brain, breath, and connection is only the beginning. Patterns exist in every system—from the bees, to the worms, to how many plants fruit, to people. Since 2011, I’ve been taking intentional note of these patterns, as well as the archetypal patterns of humanity. (Archetypes have ancient origins and have been spun lightly in our last century by Carl Jung and Carolynn Myss). Studying archetypes creates a blueprint of the forces of enthusiasm. 

Enthusiasm defined by Webster is “possession by God.” I like to consider it the force of life that flows into you when you are timeless, not hungry, insatiably present in the thing you are doing. Italian artisans had another word for it—genius—and described it as the muse that lived within the walls of the studio and who would occasionally embody the artist who would show up and do the work consistently

My theory is that by both mastering the rhythms of the brain, breath and body and building our archetypal blueprint, we can stop “losing energy” and access the grander abilities we actually possess. If even a percentage of humanity had these tools, we would have problem solvers, creative thinkers, inventors, athletes with full focus, artists with infinite access to their imaginative capacities, business owners navigating their stress like professional sailors on the winds of life. This is the world I am trying to construct for the future generations. Please join me.

What happens to the brain when we breathe better?

In Brain & Breath Connection, I outline the chronological connection between your brain, breath, and body that has been happening since your inception. The rhythm of your breath correlates to your brain wave state and the tension level in your body. 

For example, let’s pretend a big explosion goes off outside. There would be an immediate response in your body (that I outline in detail in Brain & Breath Connection) that makes you mouth-gasp for air into your upper chest. Now, let’s pretend you’re sitting down in your favorite pajamas, your house is perfectly clean, all your work is done, and you have your favorite beverage with you. The body naturally does a deep long sigh. 

These natural breath responses are coordinated with brain and body rhythms. By seeing these patterns laid out physiologically, you become a witnesser of the pattern and can start to influence it. For instance, when we breathe at a rate of 2-4 breaths per minute for 4 minutes, we begin to pull our bodies into a deeper brain wave frequency. For advanced students, we flirt with maintaining 1 breath per minute for extended periods of time.

What happens to the brain when the fascia is flowing?

By creating flow in stuck tissues, there’s an epic change in the body, joints, skin, digestion, and brain. 

What I have witnessed in myself, my clients, and my certified teachers, is that the fascia flowing can cause the brain to go into deeper brain wave states without tension. We’ve unlocked the ability to dream, enter intuitive states we experienced as a child, and enjoy more extraordinary states of meditation. 

My research and observations suggest that fascia adhesions create electrical impingements that obstruct our ability to flow and ground  brain waves through the body. When we open the flow in the fascia, we can experience higher brain states for longer.

How is your approach to breathwork different from Wim Hof and Holotropic techniques?

Primarily, I don’t encourage hyperventilation that activates the stress response. For more details, please check out the FAQs on the Mighty Breath page.

What the heck is fascia, anyway?

Fascia is tube-shaped, collagen-based connective tissue that embraces our organs, blood vessels, bones, muscles, and nervous system. Over time and with injury, the fascia can be become bound, contributing to pain, mobility challenges, and poor cognition.

How is your approach to fascia conditioning different from Fascia Blaster, Block Therapy, and so on?

The most significant difference is that my technique is gentle to avoid tearing, ripping, or shredding the fascia fibers. For more details, please visit the FAQs on the Fascia Flow page.

If I want to learn more, what books/research do you suggest? 

I developed the equation you’ll see throughout my work, so there’s no book that reflects this information (yet!). But I’ve leaned on the many discoveries of researchers, scientists, artists, architects, such as:

-Fascia the Tensional Network of the Human Body by Carla Stecco

-Anatomy Trains by Tom Meyers

-Architecture of Human Living Fascia by Jean-Claude Guimberteau

-Yoga, Fascia, Anatomy, and Movement by Joanna Avison

-The Genius of Flexibility by Robert Cooley

-The Spark in the Machine by Dan Keown

-The Subtle Body by Cindy Dale

-The Endless Web by R Louis Schultz

-The Web That Has No Weaver by Ted Kaptchuk

-The Hidden Messages in Water by Dr Masuro Emoto

-The Five Elements of Self Healing by Jason Elias

-Fourth Phase of Water by Gerald Pollack

-Cells, Gels, and the Engine of Life by Gerald Pollack

-The Rainbow and the Worm by MaeWan Ho

-Energy Medicine by James Oschman

-Rolfing and Physical Reality by Dr Ida Rolf

Also, see experiments done by: 

-Dr. BJ Palmer

-Nina Kulagina

-Dr. Carla Stecco 

-Dr. Masuro Emoto (especially the rice experiment) 

-Jonathan Goldman (sound experiments on fascia)

-Nigel Stanford

-Arnold Ehret 

-Dr. Steven Levine

-Tom Meyers

-Coach Chong Xie 

And architecture/sculpture by:

-Kenneth Snelson 

-Buckminster Fuller 

Still have a question?

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